Sunday, September 28, 2014

Bari and Frascineto

We flew into Bari on Aug  17 and wanted to go south. We have read in so many books that southern Italy was underrated and tourists rarely visited. It sounded like the perfect place to see. We rented a car and Amanda, being the quick learner she is, taught herself to drive stick shift. After stalling out at every red light the first day we decided to shoot a quick email to Riley for pointers. Luckily, he is very good at teaching via text and the next few days went a lot smoother.

From Bari we drove to Frascineto. This very, very small town with only two restaurants in it. Our second day in we decided to do something more adventurous: cave climbing. It was so beautiful, though we got soaking wet! Luckily, we met a very sweet couple from town and they took us out to dinner that night.

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